Aging, pregnancy, and weight gain are all factors that can contribute to excess fat in your midsection. As time progresses, it becomes increasingly impossible to improve sagging skin and excess fat in this area without surgery. A tummy tuck also called an abdominoplasty, is the ideal cosmetic procedure to tighten your abdominal muscles, remove sagging skin and fat, and provide the firm and slender silhouette you desire. Depending on the extent of your procedure, a tummy tuck surgery with Dr. Castro in Miami can correct the following:

  • Excess abdominal fat
  • Sagging skin in the midsection
  • Separated and weak abdominal muscles
  • Stretch marks on the lower abdomen


A mini tummy tuck or a full tummy tuck can achieve excellent results depending on the degree of correction you desire. A full tummy tuck reduces abdominal fat, tightens the skin and muscles, and removes stretch marks if they are present on the skin. A mini tummy tuck removes excess skin and fat from your lower abdomen only; it does not tighten the abdominal muscles.


A tummy tuck procedure usually incorporates some form of liposuction to remove excess fat. Subcutaneous fat, which is the fat closest to the skin, is removed to reveal a slender, toned physique.


If you have any degree of sagging abdominal skin from weight fluctuations or pregnancy, a tummy tuck removes it. Dr. Castro removes any excess skin and redrapes the remaining skin over the muscles to create a smoother contour.


During your procedure, Dr. Castro repairs abdominal separation or muscle weakening caused by pregnancy or weight fluctuations. He also tightens your upper and lower abdominal muscles to create a firm foundation for your tighter skin.


Stretch marks are removed during this procedure if they fall on the excess skin that Dr. Castro removes. For any residual stretch marks, Dr. Castro can recommend a skin treatment that can improve their appearance.