The Brazilian Butt Lift, also known as the BBL procedure for short, is one of the most versatile treatments available, helping patients who struggle with poor buttocks volume and projection achieve larger, more shapely buttocks. People who have flat, poorly defined buttocks often choose BBL because it achieves the most natural appearance. Harvesting unwanted fat from problem areas of the body and grafting it to your buttocks can be a safe and effective method to achieve the body contour you desire.

  • Enhance the size and fullness of the buttocks
  • Enhance the projection of the buttocks
  • Provide more slender contours, such as a slim waist and thighs
  • Create the profile you desire

The Brazilian Butt Lift PROCEDURE

The fat transfer process for the BBL procedure is performed in three steps:

Liposuction is performed on areas with excess fat. Incisions are placed in discreet creases, and the area is contoured and smoothed as fat is removed.
The fat is purified of blood and oils so it is safe for transfer.
The fat is grafted in even layers into the treatment area and carefully sculpted to achieve the buttocks definition needed.