While some women with breast implants consider breast augmentation to be one of their best decisions, other women are not as pleased with the outcome.

A breast explantation is a secondary breast procedure that removes damaged or unwanted implants. While some women experience implant complications, others decide that they are no longer pleased with their breast aesthetics. Whatever the reason, a breast explantation corrects and revises your breast augmentation.


What Are the Benefits of a BREAST EXPLANTATION?


Removing breast implants allows women to return to their natural breast aesthetic. This procedure is beneficial for women who are not happy with the look or feel of their breast implants.



Breast implants are at risk for complications like capsular contracture, implant rupture, and implant displacement. Repairing these complications requires the damaged implant to be removed. A breast explantation allows women to say goodbye to their damaged implant and opt for a healthier one.



Women with naturally small breasts choose breast augmentation to achieve a fuller bustline. Some of these women desire larger breasts but do not understand how these heavier implants will feel or how they may affect their day-to-day activities like exercise or sports. A breast explantation allows women to rethink their decisions.



Experiencing a complication with an implant can cause significant emotional distress as well as physical discomfort. Emotional stress can also occur when a woman is displeased about her physical contour or if she is concerned with things like breast implant illness (BII) or breast implant-associated anaplastic large-cell lymphoma (BIA-ALCL).