Motherhood is full of life-enhancing experiences; unfortunately, the physical changes brought on by the childbearing process are not always welcomed or wanted.

Many women have difficulty restoring their pre-baby bodies naturally. This is because skin and tissues do not always have the elasticity needed to contract, and some of the fat that is developed to help your baby grow is resistant to diet and exercise.

A Mommy Makeover combines plastic surgeries that target the body areas most affected by pregnancy, childbirth, and nursing. These procedures address loose skin, excess fat, and weakened muscles.

Dr. Castro offers a Mommy Makeover surgery for patients in Miami, Florida.

What Are the Benefits of a MOMMY MAKEOVER?


Pregnancy and nursing may cause your breast tissue to stretch and sag, and your breast volume may disappear. Drooping and deflated breasts can age your appearance and leave you feeling unhappy about your physique. A Mommy Makeover surgery restores youthfulness and shape to the bustline.


Your abdominal skin and muscles expand during pregnancy to accommodate your growing baby. This rapid growth may cause the abdominal muscles to separate and the skin to loosen, and while post-pregnancy diet and exercise can assist with excess abdominal fat, it cannot tighten the muscles or skin. A Mommy Makeover surgery addresses these issues and returns a smoother, tighter, and stronger abdominal contour.


Your body stores fat across your physique for energy during your pregnancy, and it is common for these fat deposits to remain following the birth of your child. Some of these fatty pockets will lessen with diet and exercise, but others may require surgical assistance. A Mommy Makeover surgery removes stubborn fat deposits that remain after your pregnancy.


Many women are not prepared for the physical changes experienced by their bodies following pregnancy. A Mommy Makeover surgery not only restores their slim contours, but it also allows them to maintain their same wardrobe and improves their self-image and confidence.