The development of glandular or fatty tissue on the male chest that creates the appearance of female-like breasts is an embarrassing problem for many men. Gynecomastia and pseudo gynecomastia are conditions that can affect males of nearly all ages, from young boys around puberty to grown men. Full gynecomastia is characterized by excess glandular breast tissue. It is the result of a hormone imbalance that can be caused by a medical condition as well as drug, steroid, or alcohol abuse. Patients with pseudo gynecomastia have only excess fatty tissue present that is the result of poor diet or a predisposition to fat accumulation in this area. Men should consider male breast reduction with Dr. Castro at his office in Miami if they have one or more of the following:

  • Glandular tissue development
  • Fatty breast tissue
  • A lack of masculine chest contour
  • Puffy nipple-areola complexes
  • Anxiety about their body


Male Breast Reduction OPTIONS


Liposuction can be performed as a standalone procedure for men who only have excess fatty tissue causing their pseudo gynecomastia. While diet and exercise may be able to reduce some fat tissue, many men struggle to achieve the chest contour they desire because of a natural predisposition to accumulate fat in this area. Liposuction uses gentle vacuum suction to remove fat from the chest. Definition in the pectoral area and a more masculine appearance can be created.


Excision is performed when there is the presence of glandular tissue along the chest. Determining whether you have glandular tissue typically requires secondary testing. During excision, glandular tissue is removed via a discreet incision placed along the lower portion of the breast. Excess skin may also be removed in order to achieve a firmer chest contour.


Since many liposuction candidates may also have skin laxity, a combination of liposuction and excision can be used to achieve ideal results. Liposuction can be used to remove excess fatty tissue and enhance the definition of your chest. Excess skin and glandular tissue are then excised to create a firmer, more toned chest appearance.