Weight loss or aging can leave you with excess skin around your thighs. Often known as “saddlebags,” unwanted thigh skin can prevent you from having the beautiful leg shape you envision. If you are looking to improve the shape of your legs, a thigh lift can provide the contouring you’ve been looking for.

A thigh lift with Dr. Castro in Miami can:

  • Reduce excess thigh skin
  • Create a slimmer leg
  • Reduce irritation and chafing
  • Eliminate excess fat
  • Enhance the thigh gap

YOUR Thigh Lift Procedure

A thigh lift typically takes about two hours and is performed while the patient is under general anesthesia. Incisions are placed around the thighs, and excess skin or fat is removed.


An inner thigh lift places incisions in the groin area. Excess skin and fat are removed, and the inner thigh is contoured. This technique helps relieve painful irritation caused by chafing of the excess skin.
An outer thigh lift uses an incision along the outer thigh. The buttocks may be minorly recontoured to make a smoother transition from the thighs to the backside. This technique helps eliminate unsightly saddlebags.


Patients considering a thigh lift may also have unwanted, excess fat around the thighs, hips, and buttocks that prevents you from achieving the body shape you want. You can combine liposuction with most thigh lift procedures to better shape and enhance the appearance of your lower body.



After weight loss, you may find that you have excess skin throughout your entire lower body. Patients will typically combine body contouring procedures to address multiple problem areas, and improve their overall body shape. A tummy tuck can create a flatter belly, while the thigh lift provides you with slimmer legs.